

As a pet owner, ensuring that our beloved furry friends are healthy and protected from diseases is of utmost importance. Vaccination is one of the most effective ways to prevent potentially fatal infections in cats. However, with the rise of fake and counterfeit products circulating in the market, pet owners must be vigilant in ensuring the authenticity of the vaccines they administer to their pets. In this article, we will delve into the topic of how to identify the genuine and counterfeit versions of the popular Intervet Cat 3 vaccine.

What is Intervet Cat 3 vaccine?

Intervet Cat 3 vaccine, commonly known as the Feline Triple vaccine, is a three-way vaccine that provides protection against three viral infections in cats, namely feline panleukopenia, feline herpesvirus, and feline calicivirus. These viral infections can lead to severe health complications and even result in the death of cats if left untreated. The Intervet Cat 3 vaccine is widely used across the world and is considered a safe and effective vaccination option for cats.

How to identify genuine Intervet Cat 3 vaccine?

To ensure that you are administering the genuine Intervet Cat 3 vaccine to your cat, the first step is to purchase it from a licensed and reputable veterinarian or authorized supplier. It is essential to check the packaging and labeling of the vaccine for any signs of tampering or re-labeling. The genuine vaccine should have a label that includes the batch number, expiration date, and the manufacturer's name and address.

Another way to verify the authenticity of the vaccine is to check the appearance of the vaccine. The genuine Intervet Cat 3 vaccine should be a clear liquid with no signs of separation or discoloration. The label on the bottle should be securely attached and have no signs of smudging or fading. Additionally, the vaccine bottle should have a hologram label, which can be verified using UV light.

How to identify counterfeit Intervet Cat 3 vaccine?

Counterfeit Intervet Cat 3 vaccines have become a pressing issue in recent years, and identifying them can be challenging. However, there are some common signs that one can look for to identify a fake Intervet Cat 3 vaccine. One of the most apparent signs is the presence of spelling mistakes or grammatical errors on the label. Also, the printing quality of a fake vaccine label is often inferior and lacks the sharpness and clarity of the genuine vaccine label.

Another way to detect a counterfeit vaccine is by checking the packaging. Counterfeit vaccines often come in shoddy or substandard packaging, and the seal may be broken, showing signs of tampering. The vaccine may also have a cloudy appearance or show signs of separation, indicating that the vaccine's composition may have been compromised.


Administering a fake or counterfeit vaccine to your cat can be detrimental to their health and can even lead to death. Therefore, it is essential to be vigilant and take the necessary steps to ensure that the vaccine you are administering to your cat is genuine. By purchasing the vaccine from a licensed supplier, checking the packaging, and verifying the label's authenticity, you can ensure that your cat is receiving the correct and effective vaccination to protect them from the three viral infections that the Intervet Cat 3 vaccine covers.