

Recently, the Inovio Pharmaceuticals and Beijing Advaccine Biotechnology Co. Ltd. jointly developed a COVID-19 vaccine known as the INO-4800 or the English of Interim Novel Coronavirus (IN)-4800. It is a DNA vaccine designed as a plasmid that carries specific parts of the virus DNA sequence to trigger the body's immune response to the virus. But is this vaccine reliable? Let's take a look at the facts.


According to the results of the phase 1 clinical trials carried out by Inovio Pharmaceuticals, the vaccine has shown promising results in terms of neutralizing antibodies production and T-cell response. The company claims that participants showed significant immune responses after two doses of the vaccine were administered. However, it is important to note that the trial involved only a small sample size and longer-term data on the vaccine's efficacy is not available yet.

Approval status

The INO-4800 vaccine is currently in its second phase of clinical trials, with plans for a phase 3 trial in the near future. As of now, no regulatory agency has approved the vaccine for use outside of clinical trials. Therefore, it is currently not available for use by the general public.

Safety concerns

Some concerns have been raised about the safety of the DNA-based vaccines, including the INO-4800. Critics argue that the DNA plasmids can integrate into the host's genome and potentially cause long-term gene mutations. However, Inovio Pharmaceuticals has stated that the plasmid used in the vaccine is designed to be non-integrative and has no risk of permanent alteration to the host DNA.


While the INO-4800 vaccine shows encouraging results in early clinical trials, it is important to wait for longer-term data regarding its efficacy and safety. It is also necessary to note that the vaccine is not yet available for public use and requires regulatory approval before mass distribution. However, as research into COVID-19 vaccines continues, the INO-4800 serves as a promising development in the fight against the pandemic.