
What is Intrathecal Injection?

Intrathecal Injection is a medical procedure in which medication is injected into the fluid-filled space that surrounds the spinal cord. This procedure is commonly used for treatment of chronic pain, spasticity, and other neurological conditions. One of the most well-known therapies that utilizes Intrathecal Injection is the Baclofen Pump, which delivers medication directly into the cerebrospinal fluid to relieve muscle stiffness and spasms caused by conditions such as multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and spinal cord injury.

How Does the Intrathecal Injection Work?

The procedure involves inserting a small catheter into the space between the vertebrae in the lower back, under local anesthesia. The catheter is then threaded up the spinal canal and attached to a small pump, which is implanted under the skin of the abdomen or buttocks. The pump is designed to deliver medication at a specific rate and dose, allowing for continuous relief of symptoms. Patients are often able to reduce or eliminate the need for oral medication or other interventions once the pump is implanted.

What are the Benefits of Intrathecal Injection?

Intrathecal Injection therapy can offer several advantages over other methods of pain and spasticity management. First, the medication is delivered directly to the site of the problem, rather than having to travel through the bloodstream and potentially cause systemic side effects. Second, because the medication is delivered continuously, patients may experience more consistent symptom relief than with oral medication, which can wear off between doses. Finally, the use of Intrathecal Injection therapy may allow patients to avoid surgery or other invasive treatments. The procedure itself is minimally invasive, and patients are typically able to resume normal activities within a few days.


Intrathecal Injection therapy is a powerful tool for managing chronic pain, spasticity, and other neurological conditions. By delivering medication directly to the site of the problem, this procedure can offer more consistent and effective relief than other methods of treatment. If you or a loved one are struggling with chronic symptoms, talk to your healthcare provider about whether Intrathecal Injection therapy might be right for you.